Crest 3D White Strips; Are They Safe? Lets Find Out! |
Are Crest 3D White Strips Safe?
12 juli 2021 

Are Crest 3D White Strips Safe?

Everyone talks about Crest 3D White Strips. On the face of it, they seem to be the perfect solution to remove annoying stains and lighten the tooth shade. There is little wonder why the brand has developed a substantial customer base.

But these questions may have crossed your mind if you are doubtful about it or have tried this product already: Are these strips safe enough for my teeth? Should I continue using them? What if they have harmful side effects?

So, we will discover the possible risks involved in their use.

3 Reasons To Be Cautious of Crest 3D White Strips

You may ask, do these whitening strips work? The answer is yes. While their bleaching powers are commendable, the brand itself suggests some safety measures to avoid any complications. Generally, different whitening strips have their side effects. So let’s take a closer look at what needs our attention:

  1. Chemical Compounds

Crest’s formula works when you apply the gel-containing strips onto your teeth. It has hydrogen peroxide as an active bleaching agent that penetrates the enamel and whitens the tooth.

According to research, this whitening agent may cause teeth sensitivity and gum irritation. Therefore, UK law legalizes only 0.1 – 6.0% of hydrogen peroxide in tooth whitening systems.

Sodium Hydroxide is another active ingredient in Crest 3D White Strips that may also cause detrimental effects. Although it is common knowledge that whitening agents can produce some adverse reactions, you should be more careful if you already have dental problems.

Furthermore, please keep this product out of reach and do not use it on children under 12 as the application can be too harsh for them.

  1. Toothache and Discomfort

You may experience temporary tooth pain and mild sensitivity during the initial days of use, even if you have completely healthy teeth. Such issues are minor and occur after using any tooth lightening product. The discomfort begins to subside after a few days.

Moreover, please note that Crest 3D White Strips are designed for natural teeth. You can’t apply them on crowns, caps, braces, fillings, veneers or dentures. Avoid gel contact with gums, eyes and skin.

There is a myth that prolonged contact of gel with teeth will lighten your teeth faster, but this is incorrect. For instance, some people apply these strips and go to sleep. The truth is, this can damage your enamel layer. Therefore, remove the strips immediately after the recommended time limit.

Also, don’t drink wine or smoke while the strips are on. However, you can drink water if necessary.

  1. Brushing Your Teeth Before Using Crest 3D White Strips

Do not ever brush right before applying strips, as your gums may experience severe discomfort and irritation. If you have brushed recently, wait at least an hour before using the strips.

It is all right to brush and floss immediately after the treatment, as it won’t eliminate the bleaching effects. Make sure to use a soft-bristled brush and do it gently.

Bottom Line

There’s no denying Crest 3D White Strips can restore your white smile, but they can be harmful to people with sensitive teeth. Due to the potent amount of hydrogen peroxide, the EU has banned these particular strips, so you need to be careful regarding their usage.

If you have a history of dental problems or are facing sensitivity issues after applying Crest 3D White Strips, stop using them.

It is never too late to consult a dentist and discuss better options. You can always go for white strips with less aggressive ingredients. For example, Gleamwhite Whitestrips are perfect for people with sensitive teeth as they don’t have peroxide in them.

Are Crest 3D White Strips Safe? ~ Download in PDF

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