3 Best Options for Teeth Straightening [2021]

Teeth straightening is an orthodontic technique that fixes your misaligned and crooked teeth caused by a malocclusion. Irregular teeth don’t only diminish your confidence but can also be detrimental to oral health. Recent developments in orthodontic dentistry have made it quite convenient and easy to obtain straight teeth with exceptional treatment models.

Types and Options for Teeth Straightening

There is a multitude of options available for fixing your uneven teeth. Let’s have a look at the best of them.


Braces are dental tools that fix teeth irregularities. They treat the poor bite, correct misaligned or crowded teeth and fill in the gap between teeth. Braces fix your crooked teeth by constantly putting the right amount of pressure on them that eventually leads to straight teeth. It’s the most popular method for teeth straightening.

The outcome is an improved smile, facial profile and a confidence boost.

The perfect time to take your child to the dental hospital is when they are between the age brackets of 12 and 13. The good news is that you are never too old to get braces. As per sources, the number of adults in Britain getting braces has significantly increased over the years.

Typically, we have the following braces options available:

  • Metal: The traditional style braces that fix improper teeth by employing a brackets and wires system. Metal braces are dependent on elastic ties to hold the wires in place.
  • Ceramic: Unlike metal, ceramic braces use clear brackets that are relatively less visible.
  • Lingual: These braces are bonded to the back area of your teeth.
  • Damon: It is a passive, self-ligating system that diminishes the need for elastic bands to secure the wires. This model is considered more comfortable, easier to manage and less visible.

Typical Braces Cost in the UK: £1,500-£5,000

Minor Side-Effects

Some people may experience discolouration and stains on teeth after completing their braces treatment. It is nothing to worry about in the world of in-office and at-home teeth whitening systems.

If you observe a similar situation, please check out GleamWhite Whitestrips, an enamel-friendly product. These whitening strips can remove yellowish stains and majorly improve the colour of your teeth.


Aligners or invisible braces are the most discreet type of braces and are used for teeth straightening. They operate by gently putting pressure on your teeth and bringing them into an ideal shape and position. The results are achieved by wearing a customized aligner tray for about two weeks, as they are typically switched out every fourteen days.

You have to wear them all day long, but you can take them off before eating, brushing and flossing. Given the seamless and removable nature, aligners are perfect for adults who don’t want painfully visible appliances bonded to their teeth. Plus, this method can be suitable for people with mild malocclusions.

Typical Aligners Cost in the UK: £1,500-£5,500


Retainers are wire-based dental devices applied to a patient’s teeth after orthodontic treatment, typically braces. Their purpose is to keep the newly aligned teeth in the correct position as teeth may tend to return to their old shape.

Retainers aren’t for someone who wants to fix their teeth at home without any professional guidance. Your dentist can recommend fixed or removable retainers according to your condition

Typical Retainers Cost in the UK: £100-£400 (Single or set)


Porcelain veneers are cosmetic devices that can fill the gaps and fix oral irregularities. You can get braces or veneers depending on the severity of teeth misalignment.

If you have structural problems like a poor bite, difficulty speaking and eating; it is best to go for braces.

But, if you want to fix discolouration, mildly misaligned teeth and gaps, you can opt for veneers.

Typical Veneers Cost in the UK: £600-£1200 per tooth

So, you see that the problem is greater than aesthetic purposes and low self-esteem issues.

Final Thoughts

Sometimes, it is better to do something than mull it over for years. After all, in a world of 7 billion smiles, your own smile should be your favourite. Hence, trust the process to protect your oral health.